Saturday, January 18, 2020
3 PM 
Croft Farm Art Center
100 Borton's Mill Road
Cherry, Hill NJ

and, optionally,

Tutti Toscani Restaurant
1491 Brace Rd
Cherry Hill, NJ 08033
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Perfomance is free
Join Harriet & Tom for a dramatic performance about the life of Harriet Tubman, the subject of a recent hit movie “Harriet” that detailed her missions on the Underground Railroad. 

The performance, presented with the Cherry Hill African American Civic Association, is titled “Follow the Drinking Gourd: Following the Life of Harriet Tubman.” 

The Drinking Gourd was the code name slaves used for the North Star, using it as a point of reference to guide them in their escape so they would not get lost. 

The performance, presented by Actress/Historical Interpreter, Dr. Daisy Century, will detail the life of Harriet Tubman from the time she was a little girl, to adulthood, to her missions on the Underground Railroad and so much more! Watch as history unfolds right in front of your eyes.

Harriet & Tom will arrive early flying the yellow balloon so you can find them, but seats cannot be saved in advance so it is recommended you get there early. 

Contact Harriet & Tom on 856.722.7008 if you plan to attend and we will try to save some seats as best as possible.

After the performance, Harriet and Tom invite you to join them for dinner at Tutti Toscani, a popular Italian restaurant located right around the corner on Brace Road - a great way to top off an interesting afternoon.
Dramatic Performance
at the Carmen Tilelli Community Center in Cherry Hill, NJ

Tom at 856-296-9508
Dr. Daisy Century
Fantastic Single Seniors
Formerly Fantastic 50+ Singles Social Club